Month : April 2022


વીડિયોમાં જુઓ ચેન્નઈ ટીમનો લુંગી ડાંસ: સાઉથ ઈન્ડિયન લૂકમાં ધોની અને જાડેજા જોવા મળ્યા, કોનવેની પ્રી-વેડિંગ સેરેમનીમાં જોરદાર મસ્તી કરી

[ad_1] 22 મિનિટ પહેલા કૉપી લિંક IPLની ડિફેન્ડિંગ ચેમ્પિયન ચેન્નઈ સુપરકિંગ્સની ટીમ અત્યારે ખાસ સેલિબ્રેશન કરતી જોવા મળી રહી છે. CSKના બેટર ડેવોન કોનવેની પ્રી-વેડિંગ...

Xiaomi’s new smart toilet seat will be heated and controlled with remote control; know the exclusive price

China’s technology giant often offers many unique products in its domestic market. Now the company has introduced a new Supercharged Smart Toilet on its Youpin...

इजराइल का नया हथियार: लेजर मिसाइल डिफेंस सिस्टम ड्रोन-रॉकेट्स को मार गिराएगा, 1 फायर की कीमत 1 पिज्जा से भी कम

[ad_1] तेल अवीव33 मिनट पहलेलेखक: निकिता अग्रवाल कॉपी लिंक दुनिया रूस-यूक्रेन जंग से खौफजदा और परेशान है। 2 महीने पहले शुरू हुई जंग थमने का...

The White Rod Blade, the biggest tech-startup of 2021

In a recent development, there has been the advent of first wind turbines which run without any blade or gears. It is better known as...

These electric cars of Indian companies run more than 300 kilometers in a single charge. Check them out.

In India, people are gradually starting to adopt electric cars. From skyrocketing petrol and diesel prices in India to the booming entry of Indian companies...

Robots are transporting milk and ration to homes, the name is Camello

In Singapore nowadays, robots are transporting milk and ration to people’s homes. Singapore-based technology and artificial intelligence company OTSAW Digital has launched a pilot program,...