
Why Suella Braverman, the UK Home Secretary, resigned?

Suella Braverman

Suella Braverman recently resigned from the Liz Truss administration after breaking government security rules by transmitting official papers from her personal email. Ms. Braverman wrote in her resignation letter to the prime minister on Wednesday, “I made a mistake, I accepted the job, and now I quit.”

She said that she was “concern[ed] about the path of this government.” Gandhi News is aware of Truss’ intentions to appoint Transport Secretary Grant Shapps to the currently open position of Home Secretary. Mrs. Truss is struggling to keep the keys to Number 10 in her possession when Mrs. Braverman leaves.

In her message, Ms. Braverman stated, “Earlier today, as part of my political activity, I submitted a letter to a member of the House of Commons through my email with the goal of getting support for government policy regarding immigration.”

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Stating further on the inconsistency of the Truss government, Ms. Braverman wrote, “Not only have we broken important promises made to our voters, but I have grave doubts about this government’s dedication to upholding pledges made in the manifesto, like lowering overall migration levels and halting illegal immigration, especially the perilous small boat crossings,”

Additionally, Ms. Braverman emphasized in her letter to Ms. Truss that when “a mistake” is made, quitting “is the correct thing to do.” Her remarks come as Ms. Truss fights to retain control of Number 10, with an increasing number of her own Conservative MPs urging her to step down.

In her first Commons appearance since her economic plan was rejected by the new Chancellor Jeremy Hunt on Monday, the Prime Minister apologized to MPs in front of the entire House during Prime Minister’s Questions earlier on Wednesday.

Suella Braverman

I have expressed my regret and acknowledgement of my errors in a very transparent manner, she said. Continuing further, se wrote, “In those circumstances, the correct course of action is to make changes, which I have done, and to get on with the job at hand and deliver results for the British people.”

Observing her resignation, Braverman remarked, “I hold myself to the highest standards as home secretary, and it is the proper thing to do for me to quit. The operation of government depends on people taking ownership of their errors. ‘Serious politics’ is not acting as if we haven’t made mistakes, acting as if no one can see that we have, and hoping that everything would suddenly turn out okay.”

The PM stated in response to Ms. Braverman’s letter: “I acknowledge your resignation and value your choice. Respect for cabinet confidentiality and adherence to the ministerial code are essential.” 43 days have passed since Ms. Truss’s appointment of Ms. Braverman as PM in early September.

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Her shocking resignation from the cabinet comes after chancellor Kwasi Kwarteng was fired last Friday. On Wednesday, the prime minister abruptly postponed a trip outside of Westminster. The departure of Ms. Braverman was the most recent in what the Liberal Democrats called a “carousel of Conservative disarray.”

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