
Weight loss trends of 2022, a flashback

Weight Loss

Since the beginning of time, one of the most studied nutritional practices has been weight loss. Weight reduction has long been a subject of debate, whether it be through a change in eating habits, the addition of new foods to the diet, or consulting a nutritionist to start the change that needs to be made.

This year, nothing changed in that regard. People who are trying to reduce weight often experiment with various methods of weight management. The list includes everything from reducing calorie intake to incorporating new workout routines to making lifestyle adjustments.

Here are some of the weight reduction trends that were popular this year as we draw closer to the end of the year:

1. Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a form of diet that uses a regulated fast for a period of time along with a restricted diet to help you lose weight more quickly. This has worked well for many people and is regarded by medical professionals as a crucial weight-loss technique.

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2. Keto Diet

Moving to a ketogenic diet mostly entails eliminating all carbohydrates from the diet. This causes further water weight loss, which ultimately results in weight loss. This can be quite challenging to manage in an Indian household, especially one that eats a vegetarian diet.

Weight Loss

3. Vegan Diet

A plant-based diet is a relatively new practice that has been included into vegan diets, where people are limiting their food choices to solely those made from plants. To reduce the number of calories consumed, increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, tubers, whole grains, and legumes.

4. Workouts at home:

Exercise is one of the best strategies to lose weight. It aids in keeping the body’s weight stable and regulating calorie intake. In addition, it aids in maintaining fitness and fortifying the muscles and joints. It also aids in improving the body’s balance and mobility.

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