
Use force if Iran builds nuclear weapons: Israeli PM Yair Lapid

Yair Lapid

Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid warned the UN on Thursday that the international community should use “military force” if Iran develops nuclear weapons. He also expressed support for the establishment of a “peaceful” Palestinian state.

In recent months, Israel has launched a vigorous diplomatic drive to attempt to persuade the United States and other European nations like Britain, France, and Germany not to extend the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.

The arrangement may not be renewed until at least mid-November, according to various officials during the past ten days. Lapid has attempted to utilize this deadline to pressure the West to take a more aggressive stance in their negotiations.

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Lapid stated in a speech to the UN General Assembly that “the only way to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon is to put a credible military threat on the table.”

He continued, a “longer and stronger deal with them” can only be negotiated after that. “Iran needs to understand that if it moves on with its nuclear programme, the world will not respond with words but with military force.”

Furthermore, he was open about the fact that Israel would be open to conflict if it felt threatened. We’ll take all necessary action, he declared. “Iran won’t acquire nuclear weapons.”

Yair Lapid

In addition, he claimed that Iran’s ideologues “hate and kill Muslims who think differently, like Salman Rushdie and Mahsa Amini,” the young woman whose death in the care of Iran’s morality policy has sparked protests throughout the Islamic republic. Yair Lapid also charged Tehran’s leadership with orchestrating a “orchestra of hate” against Jews.

Israel, which views Iran as its greatest enemy, accuses Tehran of funding armed groups such as the Palestinian Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah. “An agreement with the Palestinians, based on two states for two peoples, is the correct thing for Israel’s security, for Israel’s economy, and for the future of our children,” he stated, despite the “obstacles” that currently exist.

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In the midst of his campaign for the legislative elections on November 1, Lapid declared, “I am one of the overwhelming majority of Israelis who support a two-state solution.

The future Palestinian state must be peaceful, said Yair Lapid, whose UN address had leaked in Israel and was already drawing criticism from his political foes. Peace talks between Israel and Palestine have remained inactive since 2014.

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