
The speechless Modi and his robust political ideologies

The speechless Modi and his robust political ideologies

India is currently witnessing the worst of its time with the second wave of the coronavirus transmission as it is infecting more than 3lakh 50 thousand people on a regular basis with more than 3300+ deaths everyday. Many of the global economic and health agencies, most renowned being the WHO and UNESCO have clearly stated their calls for the Indian PM, warning him against a rapid high in cases. However, the silent Modi, as usual, did not take up the necessary precautions but in fact went on to defame such global agencies using his social media marketing techniques. 

After a surge of allegations were put forth on the Modi led BJP government, BJP has well established their brutal and facist form of governance to curb their opposition, who try to raise a voice against them. The biggest advantage that the BJP government and Narendra Modi has been dwelling in has been the influence of their social media accounts. Either directly or indirectly, the Modi government has been casting their influence over the social media platforms to either advertise their facist ideologies or expand the toxic idea of Hindutva. 

In the past, the government has linked itself to influence and control the media, both social, digital and print and has successfully curved their freedom of speech towards the party’s gain. Be it the mob lynchings, religious wars, violent outbreaks in the border, recent Rajya Sabha elections or the negative influence against covid war, the Modi government has successfully tilted the usage of social media to their gains where Modi’s leadership has never been questioned or opposed. 

Hence, it is the urgent need of the hour for the Indian mass to get over the ideology of Hindutva and curb the influence of the Modi government by raising a voice against the government through politically and legally correct social media usage as well as by un-following all the official handles of the BJP high command such as that of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Smriti Irani and other political giants. 

India needs to fight back the facist ideologies that have been imposed on it since 2014. It’s high time for the Indian mass to understand, analyse and then act. If collectively done, there’s no deal that the Modi led government has to undo with all its robust and corrupt influence of their facist ideologies. If the collective mass stands against him, the ideal “ache din” is not faraway. 

It is hence time for the speechless Modi to answer and justify his failing political ideologies. This time, let’s not let him surge above us but rather count him accountable to our questions. Unfollow him on all social media sites and unfollow all his brutal and facist ideologies. It’s high time for the speechless government to work for us and not their personal pockets

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