
Taliban to counter terrorist advancements by Pakistan across Afghanistan on report of specific intel


In a recent development last week, a bilateral meeting was held within the Taliban forces in Kabul, where, amidst the meeting, top leaders of the Taliban forces gave an assurance to India on its deforming plans over allowing terrorism against any third party country. The leaders further reiterated that not only will they not process any act against India but also keep in check the terrorist groups which are based in Pakistan by acting on “pin-pointed intelligence”.

It has come to light that J.P. Singh, India’s delegation leader as well as Af-Pak expert has recently met Interior Minister Sirajuddin Haqqani, Defence Minister Mullah Yaqoob and the Foreign Minister Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi in Kabul as he was actively invited for a round of discussion by the Taliban government.

The meeting was a result of Ajit Doval’s efforts, who is the National Security Advisor of India. Attempting to integrate both parties at the Regional Security Summit in Dushanbe among the fellowship of NSAs of China, Iran, Russia and Asian Republics, Ajit Doval meted out hands with the Taliban authorities to have discussions on countering terrorism that pose great threat to national peace and security.

According to concerned authorities and information gathered from Kabul and New Delhi, the Taliban leadership has promised the Indian government to not only act against India-specific terrorist groups based in Pakistan like Lashkar-e-Toiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed and Hizbul Mujahideen, but also counter terrorist organizations from the Sub-Continent (AQIS) and Al Qaeda.

According to the Indian perception, the bilateral meeting strengthened the relationship with Taliban as well as Al Qaeda and it is not like the same regime during Osama bin Laden’s leadership in the past decades.  

On the other hand, the AQIS has been trying to take credit on attacking the terrorists across the sub-continent, with the primary objective of enhancing its dominance over the region. Recently, around June 5th or 6th, it threatened both India and Bangladesh on releasing suicide bombers if they attempt to defame the Prophet and Islam.

According to an intelligence report, the Islamic State of Khorasan Province (ISKP) and the AQIS are products of terrorist labels of Pakistan and the state. In terms of any terror lurking over India, the authorities have quite clearly reiterated its stance to the west; a strong retaliation from the India forces.

As the senior Taliban leadership has meted out a friendly gesture by committing to counter against terrorism in India, the Modi government has actively continued its humanitarian aid towards the infrastructural development of the Taliban state.

It is believed that a direct contract with the Taliban state will keep India’s strategic interests in the region intact alongside keeping terrorists groups aided by Pakistan or Middle-East allies at check.

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