
Marriage in the Metaverse; a dream coming true?

Marriage in the Metaverse; a dream coming true?

The metaverse or virtual world is considered the future of the internet, with people buying everything from digital art to metaverse properties. In 2020, an American couple got married in the Metaverse, and now an Indian couple will be part of the trend. The Indian couple is planning a Metaverse wedding reception and have opted for the Hogwarts theme from Harry Potter’s School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Dinesh Kshatriya and Janaganandini Ramaswamy, who form the couple, are from Tamil Nadu will marry in a virtual space. The reception will be held in the “Auditorium” (cafeteria) of the Hogwarts School associated with the Harry Potter film. The digital avatars of the film will meet guests at the virtual venue. In order to organize this Metaverse wedding reception, Dinesh Kshatriya enlisted the help of Vignesh Selvaraj of Quotix Tech, who is designing the virtual meeting space Tardiverse.

All the guests visiting the virtual reception can also choose between a traditional Indian attire and Western clothing as their avatars. What makes it more interesting is that guests attending the virtual reception will also be able to give gifts digitally. They can choose to gift the bride and groom with the help of Google Pay or cryptocurrencies. However, the guests will surely miss the delicious food of a wedding in the virtual world. 

Dinesh will be the first Indian to hold a virtual wedding. He explained that he has been involved with the blockchain technology required for cryptocurrency and Ethereum mining for almost a year and wants to push this trend forward. Noticing the changes taking place in the virtual world, he came up with the idea of ​​holding a reception in the Metaverse and began working on it. Dinesh wants his friends and other people to get involved as well. He provided insight into the virtual event by sharing a short video from his Twitter account. This virtual event has been booked for February 6, 2022. 

Metaverse gives everyone the option to join as avatars for a better experience. As this trend and related requirements are expensive, it may take a few years for more people to adopt it. Currently, big tech companies like Facebook (Meta) and Microsoft are investing in Metaverse. The Grayscale report claims that the value of the metaverse could reach trillions of dollars (billions of rupees) in the coming years. Several companies including Nike and Adidas are launching and selling their own NFTs. A number of Metaverse-related hardware and handheld devices have also been released recently. Last September, an American couple Tracy and Dave Gagnon married in the Metaverse, becoming the world’s first married couple.

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