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Here is the century old rivalry between Palestine and Israel and all the minute details regarding the ongoing violence there.

Here is the century old rivalry between Palestine and Israel and all the minute details regarding the ongoing violence there.

Conflict has erupted again in Israel and Palestine as the two are rocketing each other day and night. So far, 43 Palestinians and six Israeli civilians have died in the conflict that began last Friday. The international community is appealing to both sides to stop the warfare. It is important to know the reason behind the centuries-old dispute between Israel and Palestine and how the current conflict had once emerged. 

How old is the dispute and what are the claims of both the parties?

The dispute between Israel and Palestine dates back to before BC. Since God chose the territory of Israel for the Jews in the Bible, they consider it the home of the Jews of the whole world. However, the idea has been evicted from there several times and has faced many atrocities. At the same time, the Palestinian people say that since they have always been the main residents there, they have the actual right over this place.

When did the modern controversy begin?

The modern conflict between Israel and Palestine began between World War I and World War II. Before the First World War, Palestine was occupied by the Ottoman Empire but after its defeat in the war, the region came under British occupation. After this, Britain started to settle Jewish people who had been wandering for their home for centuries. They also provided all kinds of amenities to the Jews. Millions of Jews arrived in Palestine between 1920 and 1945 to escape persecution in Europe and genocide at the hands of the Nazis. However,their increasing numbers led to a confrontation between the Palestinians, them and the British. When Britain failed to handle this confrontation after the end of the World War, in 1947, it took it to the United Nations (UN). The UN divided the region into Jewish and Arab countries under two- nation theory. It is after that when Jerusalem was made an international city. 

In 1948, the British left the area and on May 14, 1948, the land of the Jews came to exist in Israel. However, the neighboring Arab countries went through this exasperation and Egypt, Syria and Jordan jointly attacked Israel. Israel somehow won in this war. In 1967, these countries once again attacked Israel. But Israel defeated them in six days and captured the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The West Bank and East Jerusalem have been under Israeli occupation since this war, while they have returned parts of Gaza. Most Palestinians live in Gaza and the West Bank and often face Israeli excesses. Under the 1993 Oslo Consensus, Palestinians in these two areas can choose their own government. Since 2014, there has been a Hamas government, which is considered a staunch organization. 

Jerusalem has great faith in Islam, Judaism and Christianity and is the center of this dispute between Israel and Palestine. There is the Al-Aqsa Mosque in East Jerusalem which is considered the third holiest place in Islam. At the same time, there is a wall called Temple Mount in the premises of the mosque which is the holiest for the Jews. At present, the Jews are not allowed to enter the area, which causes anger in them. Palestinian mosques can come and go. Israel claims the entire Jerusalem and has declared it its capital. The US became the first and only country to accept Israel’s capital in 2018. Palestine, on the other hand, describes East Jerusalem as the capital of its independent country. 

What is the reason for the current conflict?

For some time now, the Palestinians have been resenting the eviction of some Palestinian families from East Jerusalem. On Friday, they clashed with Israeli security forces at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, injuring more than 300 Palestinians. Since then, Hamas from the Gaza Strip and Israelis have been rocketing each other on their behalf. Both sides have fired more than 1,000 rockets and the situation is in danger of turning into a full-fledged war.

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