
For the first time in the world, electricity will run from house to house without wire, trial will start soon in New Zealand

For the first time in the world, electricity will run from house to house without wire, trial will start soon in New Zealand

The supply of electricity without wires seems like science fiction. But, this technology has already been developed. Now a case study is being done about its utility. In its first such pilot program, Powerco, New Zealand’s second-largest electricity distributor, will begin testing the technology of startup company Amrod this year.

These two companies plan to deploy a 130-foot prototype wireless energy infrastructure for this test. To make this possible, Amrod has developed a rectified antenna. It has been named Rectina. Through this antenna, the electric microwave being sent from the transmitter antenna can be captured. It is being told that this kind of technology can prove to be a boon for the hilly areas of New Zealand.

Greg Kushnir, founder of Amerod, said that we have developed a technology for long-distance wireless power transmission. This technique itself has been around for a long time. It can be a future with a revolution in the field of energy. He said that the first hypothesis of such wireless power supply was first conceived by the famous scientist Nicole Tesla

The hypothesis that Nicole Tesla had made 150 years ago was the first in the 1890s when Tesla envisaged the supply of wireless power. For this, he also worked on a transformer circuit called ‘Tesla coil’, which produces electricity, but he could not prove that he could control a beam of electricity over long distances. Now this startup company says that we are going to fulfill the dream that Tesla had dreamed of. 

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