

A Legal Disclaimer

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This Agreement outlines the terms and conditions that apply to a Subscriber’s use of this website (www.gandhinews.in) and all associated sub-domains. Each individual who creates or accesses a connection (“Account”) for use of the Gandhi News is referred to as a “Subscriber.”

Limitations on use

Gandhi News is the owner and operator of Gandhi News. The Gandhi News Sites contain content that was derived entirely or in part from material that the Company, various news organizations, and other sources provided and that is covered by international copyright and trademark laws. The Subscriber is not permitted to alter, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, transmit, or distribute in any other way any content from the Gandhi News Sites, including code and software, unless expressly permitted.

You consent to be bound by these terms and conditions by using our website. Any part or feature of Gandhi News, including but not limited to content, hours of availability, required equipment for access or use, addition of fees and charges for usage, may be changed or discontinued at any time by the Company. Any new or modified terms and conditions that we establish will be accepted by you if you continue to use Gandhi News.

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The subscriber is prohibited from using the Gandhi News for commercial solicitation or advertising, including but not limited to enticing users to sign up for other online information services that compete with Gandhi News. The entire content of Gandhi News is copyrighted as a collective or severable work under applicable copyright laws, and the Gandhi News site themselves contain copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information. This includes, but is not limited to, text, software, photos, videos, graphics, music, and sound. The onus of determining whether any material is not copyright-protected rests with the subscriber. The subscriber shall not upload, post, or otherwise make available on Gandhi News any material protected by copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right without the express permission of the owner of the copyright, trademark, or other proprietary right. Any discrepancy caused by a submission that violates any copyright, property rights, or causes any other harm is completely the responsibility of the subscriber.

Third Party Content 

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The information made available on Gandhi News frequently reflects the viewpoints and conclusions of the particular information provider, subscriber, or other user who is not bound by a contract with the Company. Any opinion, advice, or statement published on Gandhi News by anyone other than authorized Company employee spokespersons while working in their official roles is not supported by the Company, nor is it responsible for its correctness or dependability. The Company will never be held responsible for any loss or harm brought on by a Subscriber’s reliance on data gained through Gandhi News. The subscriber is responsible for determining whether any information, opinion, advice, or other content made accessible on Gandhi News is accurate, comprehensive, or otherwise useful.


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