
Barak Obama finds Rahul Gandhi to be “eager to impress… but lack skill or passion”

Former US President Barack Obama found that Congressman Rahul Gandhi had a “desire to impress” but lacked the “skill or passion” to master the subject.

In his much-anticipated memoirs of the presidency, the former president praised former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh (who was Obama’s first state guest at the White House) and former Speaker of Congress Sony, according to a New York Times review Ya Gandhi. .

These observations, either directly quoted or paraphrased, come from reviews apparently quoting from the book “The Promised Land,” due out next week.

The comment did not mention what the former president thought or wrote about Prime Minister Narendra Modi. They met many times, and Obama made history by becoming the first US president to visit India twice while in office, in 2012 and 2015, and the first to attend Republic Day celebrations. , both times under the supervision of Prime Minister Modi.

The former president wrote that Rahul Gandhi – whom they met at least twice in 2015 and 2017 – “has a nervous and immature quality, as if he is a man who has completed his course and is eager to give.” The teacher was impressed but the inner student lacked the ability or enthusiasm to master the subject, according to direct quotes in the New York Times review.

The review was unable to determine the context of the review’s observation, which included it as one of the gossip details of Obama in the book about the leaders he met and interacted with during his eight-year presidency, from 2009 to 2017.

The former president seemed to write about Sonia Gandhi with pleasure, but there was no direct reference to the book in the comments. Regarding Singh, Obama wrote: “Both Defense Secretary Bob Gates and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh have a cool sense of integrity.”

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